What do you say to your 4-year old when he says that he doesn't want to go to church? He followed that up with, "why do we have to go to church?" I really just wanted to say because I said so. However, I don't want our kids to think of going to church as a chore or obligation, so I did the only thing I could think of, I told him to go ask his dad.
We have had our share of situations at church. My 3-year old spilled communion on the floor when he grabbed for it because he wanted to have some, which he promptly did when he was "helping" to pick it up. After this my 4-year old said loudly, "I wanted to eat some." I was mortified.
My 4-year old in his church shirt, a Hawaiian shirt. Just like Daddy. |
One Sunday when I thought we were going to get out of church unscathed, my 4-year asked in his loud, whiny voice, "Why do we have to stand up again?" I covered his mouth, and tried not to look at the people around us that were laughing.
My 3-year old doesn't like to sit still during church, but when he does sit up it's very dramatic. He uses his feet to push himself all the way back in the pew. However, when this happens he hits his head on the back. This is followed by crying, and people around us cringing from the bang they heard.
I'm recalling all of these instances when my son goes off to find my husband to ask him why we have to go to church. I try to make sense out of my own theory on church to explain it to him: going to hell is out, guilt is out, instilling values and morals is out, having a spiritual experience is out. All of my reasons wouldn't work on my 4-year old son.
When he came back with no answer, and looked at me with those big eyes I told him we go to church to be together as a family. I told him it's a tradition to go to church. I then explained what a tradition was. I also tried to make it sound really exciting by saying that it's special to go to church. I explained that we have to go to church to find out what is so special. He smiled and continued getting ready for church.
I like that my son asks questions about why we do things, even when I don't want to answer. I also like that church teaches our kids to be patient. It's a test in following directions. The singing, kneeling, standing, and praying is all icing on the top.
We made it through church successfully. I guess every time we go is successful just by showing up.