Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Garden for Children

Today is the day! The day that we have been counting down to for two weeks. The day that the special shirt and shoes can be worn. The day that some parents jump for joy while others cry. For most schools in Iowa, today is the first day of school.

As a teacher, I loved going back to school. I looked forward to all the new school supplies, the new bulletin board design, and the new students. Even the old students had a fresh start. The smell of waxed floor, shop, and dirt (from the attached greenhouse) was always a welcomed calling card.
When I left teaching I didn't miss any of it, but that was when I had a 3-year old, a 2-year old, and a brewing baby in utero. I had a year of babies with more potty training talk than any contemplation of school.

Last year both boys went off to preschool-3-year old and 4-year old. It was tough, but they were only there half days every other day. Today my 5-year old started Kindergarten, which means he will spend more time at school than at home. I coped by avoiding to buy school supplies for as long as possible, which my mother-in-law did mostly. My husband took care of the uniform, which meant he ordered 5 pairs of the same pants and shirts from Amazon.

When my Kindergartener asked me how many days until the first day of school, I knew I had to start sharing his excitement. He was happy to tell his little brother that he was going to the big kid classroom with bigger toys.

So everyone in the family woke up bright and early this morning, and both boys dressed in the school uniform. My preschooler doesn't start school for another week and doesn't have to wear the uniform, but he wanted to be like his "best big brother." He even wore his backpack to help drop off his brother. When it was time to say goodbye, my Kindergartener could not wait to play while my preschooler cried.

I made the usual "first day of kindergarten" sign and I looked up kindergarten to check my spelling. The first definition that came up was "garden for children." I will now think of it like that.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Baby #4

When asked why we keep having babies after a friend confirmed that he was never having any, I pointed to my belly and said that this is our way of contributing to society. We had a good laugh about it; however, when I was teaching that was the goal, so why shouldn't it be the goal as a parent? If children are the future, why not have a whole house full of them. Well, not like the lady that lived in a shoe.

Sixteen weeks has flown by. It seems like just yesterday my doctor was congratulating us after telling me that this fourth baby would just walk out. After I gave him a good frown, everyone laughed.

This pregnancy has been very much like the others, in which it has me vomiting with just the smell of men's aftershave. I will spare you the more gruesome details of my first trimester, and hope for a nicer second trimester. This baby is making a very plump appearance in the start of the second trimester, which wasn't the case with my other babies.

The boys and girl were told about their new sibling with an ultrasound picture in the play place at McDonalds. My oldest immediately rubbed my belly and started talking to the baby like his best playmate. Now both boys rub my belly, talk to my belly, and give it kisses. I frown at my husband when my oldest tells me he should carry his 1-year old sister around because I shouldn't be carrying around two babies. I wonder where he got that idea.

Almost halfway through the pregnancy has me wondering about the gender. We won't find out, but I like to guess. What's your guess?

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Bunny Burial

"Should we feed him to the cat or let the angels take him?" My 5-year asked when our bunny died. I expected him to be upset with tears, but his eyes were dry waiting for my reply. My 4-year old was in much the same condition. I think I was more upset then they were. I told them we would bury him and let the angels take him. I think they were expecting the bunny to magically disappear with the angels. They didn't ask questions, but instead went to get their shovels for the burial.

The morning routine for the boys has been to go outside immediately upon opening their eyes. Sometimes they remember to get dressed, but they always remember their rubber boots. The morning of the bunny burial the boys had been playing with their bunnies, gently of course. They put them back in their cage and we went back to unpacking. The cage was located in full sun, but it was a cool morning so I wasn't concerned. By mid morning we went back outside to move their cage into the shade, but it was too late. The male bunny, Thumper, died and the female was huddled around the water bottle in sad shape. She recovered nicely, but the damage was done. I explained to the boys why Thumper had died. They accepted my explanation, and started looking for an appropriate  place to bury him.

Now that we only have one bunny, the boys spoil her. They insist on carrying her around everywhere. They even sing her a goodnight lullaby that I sing to them.