The doctors office receptionist was reviewing my information when she asked if it was correct that I was unemployed. I guess when I wrote couch potato on my forms she interpreted it as no job. That was the first time I've been referred to as unemployed. Usually I rotate between labeling myself as a child wrangler, people maker, and more seriously as a substitute teacher.
Now I have finally settled on the label pig farmer. Today fifteen feeder pigs arrived, which is just the beginning. I found myself just watching them with the kids. This is the first time the pigs have been outside in the dirt with room to run. Their pigness is fascinating to watch, which I found similar to a toddlers. They root around in the dirt, chase each other, and fight to be the leader. I think that sums up my own children. After watching them, I realized that this was why we bought the farm. I may not have a dishwasher, but I have land to raise animals.
I'm reminded that we are doing this because it's frustrating to watch market prices fall when the meat prices at the grocery store are up. That means less profit for the producer and more for the marketer and retailer. That has always pissed me off because the quality of that meat lies with the producer, who carries all the risk. So how do producers make a full time income, they go big or have a job to supplement the farm. For us, we decided long ago that we will be the producer and marketer setting our own prices.
It makes me happy to produce happy pigs directly to the consumer. I love being able to give my kids chores where other living things depend on them. The cycle of life, meaning we eat them, is just an added bonus.