Pick your edible flowers. Some edible flowers include: Pansies, Roses, Geraniums, Marigolds, Begonias, Lilac, Honeysuckle, Sunflowers, and Hollyhocks. We picked Geraniums, Marigolds, and Begonias. The flowers needed to be washed in cool water. You don't want any dirt or bugs in them if your going to eat or put them in your drink. The boys put the petals and flowers in the ice cube trays, and filled them half full with water. We put them in the freezer for about 2 hours, and then added water to the last half. We froze the cubes solid.
The boys popped out a couple of cubes to play with outside, which was probably the highlight of the activity for them. They really like getting ice cubes out of the freezer to take outside to play with. It's like magic when the water goes from a solid to a liquid with the temperature change. Since it's been a scorcher outside, this is done pretty fast. They know the concept of things melting, but it's better to start at the beginning with water and turn it into ice and then see it go back to water again.
That is super pretty.