1. She's the ticket to more positive attention. They can show other people how they can hold her, feed her, and even pick her up. Now if they would hurry up and learn to change her diaper.
2. She's the scapegoat. "Who dumped out all the blocks?" All fingers point to the baby, who just smiles.
4. What's going to work, teamwork. "How did Rosina get out of her crib?!" The boys were so proud, they showed me. My 3-year old gets in the crib and hands the baby to my 4-year old outside the crib. I was speechless.
5. They will not be outdone. They will take turns giving hugs and kisses until the cows come home because someone started the kissing and hugging.
I thought at first that the boys would be indifferent to the baby, but I can see that they interact and rely on each other. If the baby wants something she just squawks, and the boys give her what she wants to make her stop. The boys in tern feel so proud that they can take care of another human being. The terrific trifecta.
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