Ten years ago today my husband, Jeff, and I were traveling to Australia. We had just gotten married in November, and this was our honeymoon. Well, our honeymoon and my student teaching experience. We spent 2 months in the outback, so I could teach science and agriculture to complete my college degree. And for Jeff to be a "house husband," which is what they called him in Australia. Looking back to that experience, I realize that I owe a lot to my husband.

He sacrificed so much for us. He was settled with a full time job, a house, even a retirement plan when we got married. When we made plans for Australia he quit his job, put a renter in his house, and asked his mom to pay our bills from his bank account while we were away.

It didn't end there. He took it all in stride when the town of Broken Hill, Australia, affectionately referred to him as "the American house husband." He would do the laundry, get groceries, make the meals, and plan adventures when I wasn't teaching. Students would tell me that they had seen him at the grocery store when they were out for lunch. Everyone knew him because he was the only 6'8 red headed and bearded man in a 300 mile radius. Most people were shocked that a man would do that. After all, men were supposed to support their wives (financially that is), which was the general attitude everywhere we went. Little did these people know that he was supporting me in so many ways.

After we returned to the US, I graduated from college and was hired right away as a full time teacher in a town 2 hours away from my husband's former job and house. He gave that all up so I could pursue my career. Later, I found out from the school that they hired me because of my Australia experience. I'm definitely sure that I never would have had the guts to travel around the world and teach in Australia if it hadn't been for Jeff backing me.
Ten years later I'm the housewife, stay at home mom, homemaker, couch potato, or whatever the preferred nomenclature. Now I'm using my teaching experience to show my own kids cool stuff. Most of the cool stuff I show my kids is straight from the Australia teaching days. I learned it all there.
It's so very interesting to look back at how those events unfolded, and how one decision changed our futures. One decision started us down a different path, which led to another path and another. If we had not gone to Australia I really don't think we'd be where we are now.
After eight years of teaching and after ten years since Australia, I can't thank my husband enough. While I was teaching I never formerly thanked him, but I can do that here in front of all of you. Thank you, Jeff!
Nice tribute to a great guy!
ReplyDeleteJudy Jones
Georgetown Texas