With chickens in our backyard and pigs at my parent's place, it became clear what we were missing-a farm. After slowly driving by countless properties for sale and some suspicion of stalking, my mother-in-law emailed us about an acreage with a square farmhouse for sale. We went to look at it the next day.

A row of giant pine trees blocked the view of the property from the gravel road, so our stalker tendencies wouldn't have proven valuable. The white square farmhouse came into view once we turned into the drive. It had three porches with rocking chairs and a swing. The roof was green metal with a lightening rod that looked like it belonged on a barn. The detached two stall garage came into view with a giant shed behind it. As we toured the property, the ponies and kitties entertained our kids. Along with the play set and trampoline the owners had for their grandchildren.

I had told my husband that when we looked at a place we would just know or we would see a sign. Our sign was in the back shed. The owner had a 1951 Kaiser Sedan. This car was special to us because we almost named our second son after it. Our AMC collection of cars would fit nicely in that same shed. My husband gave me a big smile, and I knew that we would make an offer, which we did later that day.
Three months later and it's officially ours. We are in the process of moving and putting our current house up for sale. The long absence from the blog has ended. I'm more excited than ever to share our adventures now that we bought a farm.
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