Every Wednesday we get out early to
meet with our professional learning community (PLC). We are quite the
hodge podge group with PE, Health, Family Consumer Science,
Industrial Tech, Business, and Agriculture. I look forward to these
meetings because it’s time set aside for us to gossip, vent, and
problem solve. Of course, our administrator gives us an agenda to
discuss, and I take notes and minutes over the discussions for proof
of productivity. Today our discussion started with someone asking me
if I would take back my resignation now that our superintendent
resigned. I said, “Ummmm, No.” This triggered the discussion
about helping other kids as well as our own. They love teaching and
coaching, and their point was that sacrificing time at home is worth
it. I agree completely that if you love what you do you shouldn’t
stop, especially if you are doing it for the kids. However, I was the
only female/mom in this conversation. My other female colleagues were
absent today. I have so much guilt when I’m away from my sons, and
my husband has to be Mr. Mom yet again. He does such a great job at
it too. I’m not sure that dads have the same guilt or feelings of
remorse that moms do. Maybe they do, but I admire coaches and
teachers that can have both. They can be there for their own kids and
yet have such a great impact on other people’s kids. I can’t give
110% to each area of my life, and that is too frustrating for me.
Vermicomposting or worm farming, 2000 red wigglers is something I loved. |
Hydronponically grown lettuce, something I loved doing. |
feel that I’m not teaching the best that I could if I don’t love
what I do. If teachers don’t love teaching anymore they aren’t
teaching really well, but they won’t move on because they have too
much time invested in a certain school. Schools won't pay for over 7
years of experience, so to moving schools after 7 years doesn’t
happen often. Teachers don’t want to give up on their state
retirement, so they keep teaching counting down the years until
retirement. Unless a teacher does something morally and ethically
wrong they aren’t going to be fired. Even if a school district
chooses to forego someone’s teaching contract, they give that
teacher a chance to resign. This is a nice courtesy; however, that
teacher can move onto another school and make the same bad mistake
again with another district. Teachers are very well protected, but
they need to be with the public ready to burn them at the stake if
they do anything out of character for a beloved teacher. I wouldn’t
say anything bad about the school district to members of the
community for that reason. The community and public crucify teachers
and school districts enough without me contributing. The public won’t
do anything to help the school’s problems or the teacher’s
problems, but they have no problem sending their children to that
school district to have us raise their children. This is why the PLC
groups are needed, so we can vent and feel comfortable to express our
problems to our colleagues without taking it outside the school to
the community. Sometimes we don’t always come up with a solution,
but it keeps us moving forward. Today I had a lot more respect for
the members of my PLC and I envied them for their love of teaching
and coaching. I just wish I had that same feeling. I’m making the
right choice.
I know I'm making the right choice
because I know that I won’t be a good teacher if I don’t love it.
I used to love the adventure, but slowly over the last year that has
sunk like the Titanic.
You love Hydroponic Lettuce? I just thought you LIKED it ALOT. ;)