Our porch is prime real estate for bird's nests. My giant of a husband is tall enough to reach the nests to relocate them. Last year it was too late and a Robin already had eggs in it. We waited for the babies to leave the nest before the relocation process. My sons loved to watch the Robins on the porch. It was neat to see the eggs hatch, and the Robins feeding their babies. However, it was a mess. This year we put some blocks in the places that the birds would normally build their nests. The boys were not happy about the blocks because then they couldn't watch the birds on our porch. A birdfeeder outside our window seems like a great solution.

I kept an empty paper towel holder and cut it in half. I looped a cord through the roll and tied it. The boys used plastic butter knives to spread peanut butter on their halves. I only gave them approximately half of teaspoon of peanut butter on a separate plate in case of contamination to the jar. Then they rolled the peanut butter paper towel holder in birdseed, but spooning it
on the roll worked best in some places. We had left over birdseed from the birdseed scavenger hunt activity in a previous post. The boys hung their birdfeeders from a shepherd hook outside our living room window.
Using butter knives is a great way to teach safety skills and the proper use of a knife. The boys also worked on their dexterity skills trying to spread the peanut butter on the empty roll.
Love this idea !!