My sons 3rd birthday is this Friday. His brother and sister picked out gifts for him, and I thought it would be pretty cool if his gifts were wrapped in paper that they made. It's also a fun crafting time activity.

I covered the dining room floor with an old table cloth, and then I covered the table with white paper. I then put a little bubble mix in a bowl with a few drops of food coloring. I had 4 colors, so each boy got two colors. They sat at the table and blew bubbles that were aimed at the white paper. When the bubbles popped they decorated the white paper. I had to move the paper around so the bubbles could reach all of it.
The boys loved this activity. They practiced their aiming, and tried predicting how the bubbles would fall. They tried mixing some of the colors to see what would happen. They also tried overlapping the bubbles to see what it would make. I compared their blowing to the wind outside, and the bubbles to dandelion fluff. When the dandelion fluff lands it's a new plant, unfortunately.
Hint: After the paper dries the edges may curl, so you can press it under some books to make it easier for wrapping. It would also probably be easier outside.
I had forgotten about this.