Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Countdown to the End: Day 14

Over 1000 plants stuffed into a school suburban
that I bought at a plant auction in February
Today the greenhouse officially opened. I didn’t get a lot of sales, but enough to notice that some flowers are missing. We have to make at least $1000 to break-even. We have already made a couple hundred today. I know we will make that mark, but I’m a little worried about our profit margin. I’m trying to convince myself that it doesn’t matter because I won’t be here to use the money raised anyway. It will be someone else’s prerogative. Our break-even amount is so high because we donate plants to the school. We have planting beds around the school to beautify the grounds for graduation. It's funny to think that I fought to get those planting beds away from the maintenance crew eight years ago. I wanted them so bad that when the head custodian said no I went out and bought $200 worth of plants with my own money. I took the receipt to the principal and asked where he would like my class to plant these. He gave me permission, and now I have 2 planting beds in front of the school for my Horticulture class. Now they are one of the extra things that we do that I see as extra work.

I asked my assistant principal if they offered the position to the first candidate, and they did. She turned it down though. I know they aren’t going to offer the position to the second candidate, but they are back to the drawing board. I’m really disappointed. I know she didn’t accept the position because the school district couldn't match what she is already getting paid at her current school. I knew this would be an issue because we don’t have a high base pay compared to other school districts in the state. Now that it’s been offered to someone and turned down I’m very concerned that they aren’t going to fill the position. My former ag teacher told me that it isn’t my concern anymore, but it’s definitely hard to let things go like that. I want my students to have a good, solid teacher. They deserve to have someone with experience, but I’m afraid time is running out. We only have 14 days left of school. They reposted the position hoping to get more applicants.

It really angers me that the school board and community hasn’t realized that they need to raise the base pay and the package to attract teachers here. If they do realize it they certainly aren’t doing anything about it. I came to this school because I negotiated my contract package. This school had the highest package. Now 8 years later they are offering less than what they offered me. However, it’s a different school board, different superintendent, different principal, and a different assistant principal.

I know I made the right decision because I won't have to hurry through a 20 minute lunch or only take bathroom breaks before school, after school, and at lunch.    

1 comment:

  1. You need to find pictures of the First year with the livestock trailer full.
